Neighborhood Happenings

January 2013 - Coyote Sighting

A coyote has been spotted recently in our subdivision. This sighting occurred during daylight hours. It weighs about 60 lbs, so it is a pretty good size animal. Please let your kids know to be on the lookout for it and watch out for your dogs and other outside animals.

Latest News and Information

Association Dues Date

Please remember, the due date for association dues is March 31, 2013. The dues amount remains unchanged at $110.

The dues payment form will be mailed to each lot’s address. In addition, the dues payment form is available electronically via a ”quick link” in the left column of this page.

Delinquent Dues Payments

The Association Board’s policy and procedure for delinquent association dues can be found on the Covenants & Policies page.

Annual Association Meeting

The annual association meeting is scheduled for 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at the Macomb Library North branch located at 24 Mile and Romeo Plank.

Volunteers NEEDED!

The Board continues to try to reduce costs and maintain our current association dues amount. In order to do this, the Board needs volunteers to assist with routine subdivision matters. Without volunteers, the Board may have to look to paying outside help which would result in an increase to our annual dues. The Beacon Square association recently raised their dues to $187 to cover the cost of an outside management company.

Attention Parents

Please be aware that children using their “toys” in the wetlands or riding bikes to school or 7-11 continue to cut through other homeowner’s private property without permission. The ONLY access to the wetlands is at the South end of the subdivision between lots 114 and 115. Your neighbors along Black Oaks have a bike path worn into their lawn. Children cutting through have been repeatedly asked not to cut through. One of the homes had a bench thrown at their front door by these same kids. The police were contacted and this will not be tolerated. Please discuss these matters with your children and make sure your child is not participating in these activities.

Annual Subdivision Garage Sale

We will be having another Spring garage sale this year. The dates for the neighborhood garage sale will be May 2, 3, and 4. It’s not too early to start cleaning up the basement and garage and organizing your good stuff for the Spring sale.

We Need Your Ideas and Suggestions!

If you have and ideas, suggestions or information you would like to see included in the annual newsletter, please call or e-mail your ideas to the Board.